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алтайское языкознание
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  • Монгольские
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  • Тунгусо-маньчжурские
  • Корейские
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  • Монгольские
  • Тюркские
  • Тунгусо-маньчжурские
  • Корейские
  • Японские


  • Монгольские
  • Тюркские
  • Тунгусо-маньчжурские
  • Корейские
  • Японские


  • Монгольские
  • Тюркские
  • Тунгусо-маньчжурские
  • Корейские
  • Японские

  • Монгольские
  • Тюркские
  • Тунгусо-маньчжурские
  • Корейские
  • Японские

  • На основе росписи проф. Мудрака О.А.

    Based on the studies of prof. Mudrak O.A.

    tėŋgiri sky
    naran sun
    sara moon
    xôdun star
    ke (= kėi) wind
    e'ulen cloud
    xunin smoke
    kira'u frost
    molsun ice
    časun snow
    doŋqôdun thunder
    čüse pelting rain
    qura rain
    ši'uderen dew
    soraŋxa rainbow
    monijar brume
    gilibeligan lightning
    mundur hail
    ojalar (tėŋgirijin ~) Млечный Путь Milky Way
    qačar land
    šira'u earth, ground
    a'ula mountain
    xoi (= xuai) forest
    muren river
    na'ur lake
    qôroxan mountain brook
    če'ele brook, creek
    qumaki sand
    bulax spring, well
    subax runnel, kennel
    tarijan field
    tarijači farmer, peasant
    bax garden
    šibe'e fence
    joxurqa fence, hedge
    tô'osun dust, dirt
    šibar dirt, mud
    šildejen village, hamlet
    usun water
    dalai sea
    doligijan wave
    elesun pebble
    ergi bank
    ujer flood, spate
    čila'un stone, rock
    ke'er steppe, desert
    mor road, trace
    taba'an pass, notch
    kôdo'e land, province
    bo'am dam, barrage
    amasar gape, hole
    balaxasun tower, city
    ulus state
    bačar city, market
    gurijen well, fence
    derge'ur main road
    obo'o burial stones
    qabur spring (season)
    čun summer
    namur autumn, fall
    ubul winter
    čax time
    xon year
    udur day, daytime
    süeni night
    duli (udur ~) middleday
    udeši evening
    čiliger heat time
    kojiten cold
    bulijan warm
    seri'un breezy, cool
    qala'un hot
    dula'an hot, sunheat
    korbe iced, cold
    čue'en chill
    qata'ar early, first
    manaxar (erte) tomorrow
    šini (udur ~) the first day of the new year
    čabusar (~ süeni) midnight
    beler (~ erde) ancient times
    edô'e now
    narasun pine
    arča juniper
    gulusun bamboo
    čigôrsun cypress tree
    qailasun elm
    xičesun willow
    borokečeu blackthorn
    čibuqan jujube
    alima apple tree
    čemiši fruit
    gujlesun apricot
    udzün grape
    či'ax walnut
    čeček flower
    geši'un branch
    nabučin leaf
    xudza'ur root
    kamqa'ul tumble-weed
    širaličin nettle
    xüre semen
    qônox millet, чумиза
    arbe barley
    bu'udai wheat
    tuturqan rice cereals
    amun rice
    burčax pea, bean
    qôqôsun onion
    so'uaŋgina onion, sorrel
    sarimsax garlic
    maŋgir odorous garlic, черемша
    qa'un pumpkin
    arbus water-melon
    qabax vegetable marrow
    badiŋqa (~ bačiŋqa) aubergin
    kiči mustard
    turma turnip
    ebesun grass
    modun tree
    luŋ dragon
    bars tiger
    kers rhinoceros
    arslan lion
    otôga bear
    moren horse
    axta gelding riding horse
    ačirxa stallion
    ge'un mare
    lausa mule
    elčigan donkey
    unuxan colt (before 2 years)
    xuger ox
    xugeči shepherd
    qônin sheep
    xoninči sheep's herdsman
    čeren yellow antelope
    qaqai pig
    qaban boar
    tuqul calf
    čü'eberi jackal
    čino wolf
    bečin ape, monkey
    xunegan fox
    kirsa sand fox
    aratai predator
    buqu he-deer
    buluxan sable, game
    qarxulax small tiger
    miči cat
    temejen camel
    ča'an elefant
    taulai hare
    čixar musky deer
    qali'un otter
    noxai dog
    gučü(i) bitch
    odos yak
    čarijan hedgehog
    mekiči pork
    unejen cow
    buto buffalo
    jima'an goat
    xuluqana mouse
    noman mole
    qurixan lamb
    xuča ram
    uguna billy-goat
    čiqasun fish
    nax menegai turtle
    menegai turtle
    xa'aličin spider
    xerbegai butterfly
    moxai snake
    boko'una gad-fly
    šimu'ul mosquito
    čėurge locust
    qôRoxai worm
    široxalčin ant
    bo'esun louse
    burge flea
    čumuran ground-squirrel
    šibau'un bird
    qaRudi phoenix
    buRugut hawk, berkut
    alaxta'un daw, jackdaw
    tuRa'un crow
    kučene turtle-dove (горлица)
    uli owl
    xarčixai hawk (сокол)
    kirgui hawk (ястреб)
    xele'e kite
    takija hen, chicken
    qalau'un goose
    gungir male duck
    tôti parrot
    xaRijača swallow (bird)
    sačixai magpie
    xurqa'ul feasant
    kokorčigan dove, pigeon
    noqôsun duck
    kidarčixan sparrow
    tau'us peacock
    šėŋxôr merlin
    qun swan
    lačen a k. of hawk
    jitelogu hazel-hen hunting hawk (ястреб-перепелятник
    turimtai a k. of hunting bird
    bodena quail
    sar duck-hawk, harrier
    čü(i)xur horned owl
    lax grouse (ŋ)
    čaxalimai crossbil
    qara'una a k. of bird ('water'+'old')
    odun feather
    čėu'ur wing
    ba'ul claw
    tuRu'un hoof
    eber horn
    arasun skin
    xôši'un beak
    del crest, mane
    se'ul tail
    kairsun scale
    kôjisun navel
    jasun bone
    amdegan egg
    nisi-qu to fly
    gue-ku, gue to run, to go
    iŋuliča-xan to neigh
    xučam to bark
    mo'eram to bellow
    mailam to bleat
    murgučeli-dun (< murguliče-) to gore
    e'uden gate, entry
    xa'alqa door
    bosoxa doorstep
    nirisun, niri'un (gerün ~) spine, house-top
    qabusun, xabusun (geryn ~) chest клетка, veranda, porch
    tulxa pole, pillar
    ger house
    ke'urge bridge
    kerbiši brick
    kebit shop, store
    sume ger joss-house
    qoRijan bailey, court
    ordô ger palace
    suburqan obelisk, memorial
    čaxurasun residence
    ni'e to open
    qa'a- to close
    tergen cart
    gurdun wheel, cart-wheel
    aral axle, pivot
    kekesun arm, rung, radius
    mo'er felloe, rim
    bulu hob
    iŋulax trunk, carcass (кузов)
    čilbur bridle
    mina'a lash
    qalqa shield
    čida lance, pike
    uldu sword
    suke axe
    numun bow
    ko bowstring
    oraŋqa banner, flag
    qada'ar bridle
    doro'e ring in bull's nose, stirrup
    qujax armour, mail
    du'uluqa helm
    sumun arrow
    orbu'ur gun, cannon
    korge big drum
    kaŋgerge small drum
    ančasun plough
    qatu'ur sickle
    oŋqača pan, trough
    de'esun thread
    jatuxan music
    loŋqa bottle
    čaxun (~ ajaqa) small cup, pan
    cup, pan; small cup, pan ajaqa, ajaqa (čaxun ~)
    xalbuxua spoon, laddle
    čara cup
    tabukei sieve, cribble
    talabar tray, dish
    jiraqa tea-kettle, tea-pot
    čix bamboo screen
    gumerge buttery, larder
    xuxuta pouch, bag
    sam comb
    čeu'un (=žau~žo) needle
    čüla lamp
    gečigi'ur step of stair
    sorbi staff, stick
    ši'urge broom
    tamqa stamp
    saba battery, dish
    uzuk (!-z-) writing, stylo
    ča'alsun paper
    beke ink
    golimi net
    xubuči'ur big net
    toxo'an kettle
    küaŋxo pestle
    a'ur mortar
    širi'e spit
    toli mirror
    čiji'ulsun matting
    jiseri chair
    dere cusion
    batman weigher
    xajiči scissors
    čau'orqa (=šau~šo) bolt
    čiri'ur key
    sančali seat, chair
    čargi knacker, castanets
    šaŋ gong
    qal fire
    ne'uresun coal
    dejel, de'el-ün (~ čaxa) clothes
    qormai clothes' lap
    čaRux shoe, footwear
    qudusun boot (сапог)
    sisgai felt
    olosun hamp
    čuča'an, čüča'an (~ dejel) thick
    čaxa (de'elün ~) collar
    kančun sleeve
    buči braid, cord, belt
    buse belt
    emudun trousers
    debusger mat, mattress
    končile blanket
    korge curtain
    kojimusun (khuo- instead xuo-) felt socks
    čama brocade
    xarxumi embroidery
    joŋqor raw silk
    kip boiled silk cloth
    oličin linen, cloth
    xudasun thread
    mindasun cotton wad
    bosun cotton cloth
    amusun gruel
    buda'an rice gruel, cereal
    darasun vine
    šulen soup
    dabusun salt
    e'ukun fat
    tosun butter
    utmek bread
    mixan meat
    širaxasam (~ mixan) roasted meat
    qataxasam (~ mixan) the meat of the best taste
    tarak soured milk
    esuk horse's milk
    aijirax horse's milk
    xurut curd
    a'arči a k. of curd
    bišilax cheese
    širke vinegar
    am remedy
    amtan taste
    amsa to taste
    qoli to add spice
    čina to boil
    etke- to cut, slice
    ide to eat
    oles-be to hunger
    čat-ba to be satiated
    altan gold
    moŋgun silver
    erdini jewelry
    qaši jasper
    subut pearl
    tana mother of pearl
    čes copper
    tu'ulgan lead
    temur iron
    čo'os (=čau-) money
    bolor crystal, pebble
    golejen (~ usun) mercury
    širemun crude iron (чугун)
    xaxan emperor
    tušimel dignitary
    nojan noble, grand
    čerik soldier
    gu'un man, person
    uran craftsman, master
    otoči doctor
    tolegeči prophet, priest
    baxči gardener
    saiqalen friend, companion
    čočin (=žau~žo) matchmaker
    otogu (~ gu'un) old man
    ečen householder, master
    bo'ol slave
    jirgen people, folk
    uridus ancestor(s)
    ečige father
    ebin uncle, elder father's brother
    abaqa uncle, minor father's brother
    eke mother
    axai (~ ekeči) elder aunt
    naxačü(i) uncle (mother's brother)
    čeje grandchild
    aqa elder brother
    ekči elder sister
    do'ji younger sister
    de'u younger brother
    beRigan wife of elder brother
    gergai wife
    no'un child, baby, son
    okin daughter
    ko'un child, baby
    jin niece, nephew (by mother)
    beri daughter-in-law
    guregėn son-in-law
    epke wife's father
    emege , emegu'un wife's mother, progenitor; female, woman
    elenčük grand-grand-mother
    boroxai grand-grand-father
    ači grandchild (male, by father)
    eregu'un man
    xatun qaghan's wife, noble's wife
    emegan old woman
    kėušėŋ small boy
    uri-sadun ancestor
    daulaxči singer
    xudulči merchant
    čixuči fisher
    abači hunter
    bičeči writer
    amitan (Pl) uterine
    kita(t) chinese
    maŋxo(l) friend, own tribe, tribesman
    burxan Buddha
    sarta'un moslems
    bo'e medecine-man, shaman
    jituxan shamanese, witch
    tojin monk
    čitkor demon
    uaŋgun saint
    o'erün , o'eRün (~ durabar) own; freedom, independence
    bi I
    či you, thou
    bida we
    nokor friend
    mino mine
    čino thine
    jino his, her
    adu'uči herdsman
    bau'urči cook
    elčin ambassador
    ulači cavalier, rider
    ba'atur hero
    belbisun widow, widower
    guda parent-in-law
    teče'emel (~ ko'un) educated child
    bača brother-in-law
    qulasun thief
    sonos to hear
    uče to see
    šixačėu'uče to spy (really a noun 'spy')
    nėŋči to search, seek, chase (perhaps a noun)
    uxtu to meet
    maxta- to loud, carol
    surxa- to teach
    bari- to take, keep
    ergu to erect, elevate
    neme to add, patch
    bau'uRa'ul to minify (Caus.)
    čoloduba to meet
    otorle to urge, cause
    seReba to feel, sense
    medeba to know, understand
    taniba to recognize, know
    uqa to economize, keep
    toxto'a to establish, constitute
    daqa to accompany, follow
    durat to hope, consider
    setki to think, contemplate
    boluxa'a to investigate
    asax to ask
    gurbe to touch, attain
    toritke to stay, stand
    ča'a to inform, notice
    qaqača to divide
    guliče to wait
    so'aŋgu to choose, select
    na'adun to play, disport
    jabu to go
    qari, qari'un to return, return
    jire to come
    uge word, to say (ŋ)
    daula to sing, make noise
    unta to sleep
    norus to doze, be dormant
    uri to call
    gure to ask, call, desire
    qurim feast
    soxtaba drunked
    boči to dance, play music
    šisgir to roar, howl
    oŋši to read, declaim
    gubur to beat
    soko to abuse, insult
    sogat to kneel
    amu song
    sa'u to seat
    murgu to bow head
    čeu'udun dream
    seri-be to be awake
    bai'i to stand, stay
    uele work, practice
    jor-či (= jau-) to go out, away
    oro to come in, into
    qar to go out
    jine'e to be happy, to lough
    sonči- to neglect, contemn
    xüde to accompany, attend
    xelumu to be sad, anguish
    bajas-ba to be fine, joy
    xiče to be confused
    qolu-ba to dislike, hate
    xaimos-ba to hate
    kičejaŋgu to work, be diligent
    jaram busy, occupied
    ta'a jealousy, doubt
    čirqalaŋ happy
    a'iu to fear
    kiliŋlam to be annoyed, rage
    čobolaŋ (=žau~žo) warry, agony
    ta'alam to love
    čalixai to be lazy
    qajilalam to pity, spare
    so'iurqa to cheer, foster
    amoRax beloved one, friend, companion
    bejan rich
    uge'u to be destitute, suffer
    čidaxči potent
    mergan mighty, powerful
    qalam anxious
    moŋqax stupid
    qani to be stupid, mad
    miŋsešen wise, having quick memory
    biši'un fair, comfortable, smart
    epke roll, wind, coil
    bur-ku to cover
    el-ku to hang on, wear
    te'e to transport, bear
    nokči to follow, go after
    šitu to believe, found
    ši'ur to sweep
    tuligi to push
    delet to beat, drub
    asqa to pour out, sift
    tata to pull
    xurba to turn, reverse
    talibi to put on, release
    tet-ku to recline, bear on
    tusür to pour out
    abura to save, rescue
    sana to deem, compute, think
    qu'iu to ask for, seek, pray
    ok to give
    abu to take
    eri to seek, search
    daru to press
    qadaqala to control, administer
    xuja to bind
    toxu to saddle
    kotol to guide, drive
    noko to add, patch
    mulitul to take off, move out
    xudalidu to send
    etuldu to discuss, agree
    čokija (žau-~žo-) to create, make in order
    ta'ul to understand, distinguish
    uruxši (~ jire) (to come) before
    ne'utke to change
    asara to take a care, guard
    xači (~ qari'un) to thank
    eneri-kui to pity
    xurija to gather
    jilxa to distinguish, discern
    šilta'an reason, cause
    qatu'ar (Ins.) together
    nokoče to be in a company
    šintaRam to hesitate
    dapdan politeness, courtesy
    jixejen to protect, defend
    če'u-čėu to belt
    qarbu to shoot with an arrow
    durabar (o'elün ~) (Ins.) independence, freedom
    xa'axlam dread, fear
    xula'an red
    koko blue
    šira yellow
    čaxan white
    qara black
    noxo'an green
    al deep red, deep purple
    šijidam trivial coloured
    boro ashes coloured
    dau'un sound, voice
    uaŋgo colour
    seu'uder shadow
    gerel light, bright
    a'ur air, atmosphere
    gu'i odour, smell
    nikan one
    xojar two
    xurban three
    dorben four
    tabun five
    čir'ua'an six
    dolo'an seven
    naiman eight
    jesun nine
    xarban ten
    xoren twenty
    qučin thirty
    dočin forty
    tabin fifty
    čiran sixty
    dalan seventy
    naijan eighty
    jeren ninety
    ča'un hundred
    mingan thousand
    tumen ten thousands
    tuk (~ tumen) very much (10000*10000)
    to'an number
    kedun how many, how much
    olon much, multiple, very
    čuejen little
    ču'iR shape, sight, class
    koši pair
    qaxča lonely, solitary
    ore'elsun half
    süruk drove, troop, group
    kesek part
    čarim half
    dabuxur layer, stratum
    beje body
    teri'un head
    ni'ur face
    nidun eye
    maŋlai forehead
    qačar cheek
    qabar nose
    aman mouth
    šidun tooth
    kelen tongue
    čikin ear
    xanisqa eyebrow
    sormue eyelid
    xüsun hair
    saxal beard
    xurül lip
    xo'olai throat
    kuču'un neck
    muro shoulder
    ebuče'un breast
    aru back
    oro centre of the breast, lungs' plexus
    čurokan heart
    su'u armpit
    qar hand
    toqai elbow
    xalaqan palm of the hand
    quru'un finger
    kimusun nail, claw
    nudurxa fist
    ke'eli belly
    xeligan liver
    a'ušigi lungs
    šuelüsun gall
    gedesun barrel, pod
    deli'un spleen
    kojisun navel
    qabirxa rib
    bo'ere kidney
    bel loin
    kol foot
    ö[li]mi upper part of a foot, metatarsus
    ula foot's sole
    osogo heel
    tobuk knee
    šilibi shin
    ši'a ankle, huckle-bone
    jasun bone
    čimegan marrow
    mixan meat
    čisun blood
    sudasun vein, thread
    širbusun sinew, tendon
    kolüesun sweat
    nisun snot, snivel
    mėŋge birth-mark
    nilbusun tear
    taRasun bald, naked
    doxalaŋ lame
    soxar blind
    dulaiji deaf
    kelegai stammerer, dumb
    taluxun fat
    turuxan thin
    amin life
    niules-kui humanity
    naira-qui debt, justice, right
    tore law, sacral law
    iosun (~iau-) tradition, real law
    uxa'an mind, comprehension
    bišire'ul belief
    čorix (žo-~žau-) ambition, aspiration, will-power
    aburi goodness, morality
    dorona east
    emune south
    xoRone west
    umere north
    dunda middle
    dora down
    de'ere upwards
    dotora into
    xadana outside
    urida before
    qojina backside, afterwards
    če'un left
    bara'un right
    ča'ura gap, middle
    kiča'ar border, limit
    uču'ur stalk, stem
    xiru'ar bottom, foundation
    berke hard, difficult
    kilibar easy, light
    bue to be (Aux.)
    ugai not to be
    ulu not, no
    butugai to finish, close
    adali similar
    sačeu identically, similar
    čuep real, right
    buru'u false, untrue
    maqat probably, perhaps
    xoxtorxu emptiness
    oter quickly, hurry
    alu'ur slow
    turgen solid, reliable
    dolüejen calm, quiet, slow
    jeke big
    uču(i)gan small
    undur long, high
    boxoni short, low
    kundu heavy
    küaŋgan light in weight
    urdu long
    oKor short
    Kolo far away
    ojira near
    gun deep
    gojen shallow
    a'ue broad
    xi'utan narrow
    kondolen across
    undus to stay vertically
    tubušin right, flat, plain
    čueli'u oblique
    gegejen light, bright
    buluŋgir muddy, dreggy
    du'uren full
    orgen broad
    šini new
    qa'učin old, time-worn
    togarik round
    qabataxai flat
    ningen thin, weak
    čuča'an thick
    čue'elen soft, weak
    qatau'u strong, hard
    o'eŋgu hooked, awry, broken
    šidurxu honest
    čiqul narrow
    tarqa bulge
    delike to spread out
    qurča sharp
    moxodax blunt
    keberek fragile
    torün before
    bara-ba to end, stop
    udu[ri] forward, before
    tegusi equal
    jada-m to be unable
    čida-m to can
    mau'un bed
    sajin good, fine, nice
    amuxulaŋ peace
    qaqarxaj evident, clear
    tetulu somersault
    jende here
    tende there
    sajitur with a pleasure
    ja'un kereg what is the matter
    ojiri near
    eče'egurtele acceptable
    gunke peace (taipin)
    ali which
    daruj-dur now, at this moment
    ulu xaličaxu without any difficulty
    dau'uber poor, lean
    e'uber poor, lean
    kerbe if
    keduj-ba although
    ker if
    kejen in this way, so called
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