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    Bibliography of Altaic linguistics
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    Bibliography of Turkic linguistics
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    m   Bibliography of Modern Korean Grammar
    m   Collections of Toyo-Bunko Oriental Library

    m   Historical Linguistics. [University of Hawaii]
    m   Writing Systems. [University of Hawaii]
      Books & Papers on Koreanistics


    Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co. Choe Chung-ho. The Concept of Language in the Traditional Korean Thought. KJ., Vol.25:10. pp.18-32.
    Choe, Jeung-Yeu. 'The Influence of Christianity in Korea's Development: Viewed from Literature Orthography and Language.' Kyemyong taehak tongso munhwa yonguso tongso munhwa 7 (1974): 179-212.
    Courant M.,Bibliographie coréenne, tableau littéraire de la Corée, Vol.I, Paris 1895.
    Description and explanation in Korean linguistics / edited by Ross King. Ithaca : East Asia Program, Cornell University, c1998. xii, 374 p. : ill. ; 23 cm. (Cornell East Asia series ; no. 98)
    Eckardt, Andre. Studien zur koreanischen Sprache (Studienausgabe). Heidelberg, 1965.
    Forty Years of Korean Linguistics and Literature. (in Korean). Seoul, Chipmuntang, 1992.
    Japanese/Korean linguistics / edited by Hajime Hoji. Stanford, Calif. : Published for the Stanford Linguistics Association by the Center for the Study of Language and Information, c1990-c1993.
    Kim, Chin-W(ed.) (1978). Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, S. Carolina: Hornbeam Press.
    Kim, Chin-W., ed. Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, Incorporated, 1978.
    Kim, Nam-Kil/H. Tiee (ed.) (1986). Studies in Korean Language & Linguistics. East Asian Studies Center(U. of Southern California).
    Kim, Nam-Kil/H. Tiee(eds.)(1983). Studies in East Asian Linguistics. Dept. of East Asian Language & Cultures, Univ. of S. C.
    King Ross. (Ed.). Description and Explanation in Korean Lingustics. Cornell University, New York, 1998.
    Ko Yeong-Kyn. Chuche Language Theory and North Korean Linguistics // Seoul Journal Korean Studies, 1990, Vol.3, pp.3-21.
    Kokura Shimpei. History of Korean Language Studies (in Japanese). Tokyo, 1940.
    Kuno, S. et al.(eds.) (1985). Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics: Proceedings of the 1985 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics(Harvard WOKL-1985). Seoul: Hanshin Pub. Co.

    Kuno, S. et al.(eds.) (1987). Havard Studies in Korean Linguistics II: Proceedings of the 1987 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics(Harvard WOKL-1987). Seoul: Hanshin Pub. Co.
    Lewin, Bruno & Tschong Dae Kim (31978) Einführung in die koreanische Sprache. Verlag Vorspann Werbung Dr. Gustav Scherer, Heilbronn.
    Li Ki-moon. An Cha-sans Study of the Korean Language (in Korean) // Chushigyeong Hakpo, No.2, 1989, pp.85-101.
    Li Ki-moon. Korean Linguistics So Far. KJ., Vol.21:8, pp.6-12.
    Li Ki-moon. Ramstedt and the Study of Korean. KJ., Vol.11:1, pp.10-14.
    LSK [Linguistic Society of Korea] (ed.) (1988). // Linguistics in the Morning Calm 2: Selected Papers from SICOL-1986. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing. Co.
    LSK [Linguistic Society of Korea] (ed.)(1982). // Linguistics in the Morning Calm: Selected Papers from SICOl-1981. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Lukoff, Fred (1982) An introductory course in Korean. Yonsei University Press, Seoul.
    Nam Pung-hyeon. The Changing Concept of Language and Letter in Koryo (in Korean) // Chushigyeong Hakpo, No.3, 1989, pp.76-88.
    National Korean Language Institute. 1992 Korean Linguistics Yearbook (in Korean). Seoul, 1992.
    National Korean Language Institute. A Commentary on the Standart Speech (in Korean). Seoul, 1992.
    National Korean Language Institute. Reference Materials for Refiment of Korean Language (in Korean). Seoul, 1992.
    Pae Yang-seo. The Pronominal Use of Korean. KJ., Vol.15:9, pp.9-13.
    Phil Marshall R. Westernes on Korean. KJ., Vol.4:14, pp.9-15.
    Rhee Kyu-ho. The Logic of Korean Language. KJ., Vol.11:2, pp.8-12.
    Searle Steven J. The Korean Language and the Structure of the Korean Consciousness. KJ., Vol.17:12, pp.17-19.
    Sohn Ho Min. The Korean Language. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1999
    Sohn Ho-min. (ed.) The Korean Language. Center for Korean Studies of the University of Hawaii. Occasional Papers, 1975, N.6.
    Sohn, Ho-min(ed.) (1975). The Korean Language, Its Structure and Social Projection. Center for Korean Studies(U. of Hawaii).
    Song Seok-choong. Grammarians or Patriots: Struggle for the Linguistic Heritage. KJ., Vol.15:7, pp.29-44.
    Theoretical issues in Korean linguistics / edited by Young-Key Kim-Renaud.[Stanford, Calif.] : Published by CSLI Publications for the Stanford Linguistics Society, c1994.
    Yi eong-ho and Yi eong-baek. History of Korean Linguistics. (in Korean) Seoul, Hanguk Tongsin Taehakkuo, 1987.
    Yi, Sung-yong. 'The Korean Language.' In Introduction to Korean Studies. Seoul: The National Academy of Sciences, 1986.
    Yo Chang-dyun and Kang Sing-hang. History of Korean Language Studies (in Korean). Seoul, Minjung seogwan, 1962.
    Yoon, Chong-Hiok. 'English Loan Word Usage in the Korean Language.' (Hongik taehakkyo) Hongik nonch'ong 12 (1980): 57-76.
    Ким О.М. К типологии частей речи. (На материале русского и корейского языков) // Науч. тр. Ташк. гос. ун-та, вып.390, Ташкент, 1970, с.193-203.
    Ким О.М. Особенности русской речи корейцев УзССР. (Фономорф. очерк) Автореф. дисс. канд. филол. наук. Ташкент, 1964.
    Концевич Л.Р. Библиографический указатель работ по корейскому языкознанию (на корейском и западноевропейских языках) // Вопросы грамматики и истории восточных языков. М-Л., 1958, с.187-238.
    Концевич Л.Р. Корееведение. Избранные работы. М.,2001
    Концевич Л.Р., Симбирцева Т.М. Из истории корейского языкознания в конце 50-х годов. (по матриалам личных архивов Г.Е. Рачкова и Ю.Н. Мазура. // Российское корееведение. Альманах. Вып.2., М., 2001, с. 247-261.
    Корейский язык. Сб. статей. М., 1961.
    Мазур Ю.Н. Структура слова в корейском языке // Корейский язык. М., 1961, с.114-148.
    Мун Ен Гир. Англо-американизмы в общественно-языковой практике Южной Кореи. АД КФН, М., 1983.
    Пашков Б.К. Корейский язык в советском языкознании (Вместо предисловия) // Корейский язык. М., 1961, с.3-6.
    Российское корееведение. Альманах. Вып. 1., М., 1999
    Российское корееведение. Альманах. Вып. 2., М., 2001
    Хван Юн Дюн. Краткий очерк особенностей корейского языка. (В помощь преподавателям рус. яз. в кор. школах). Ташкент, 1948.
    Цой Ден Ху. Из истории языкознания в Корее // Вопросы языкознания, 1954, eo 4, с.116-124.
    Языки мира: Монгольские языки. Тунгусо-маньчжурские языки. Японский язык. Корейский язык. М., 1997.
    top of the page


    A new English-Korean dictionary. Seoul, 1964. xxxvi, 2276 p.
    Aleveque, Charles. Petit Dictionnaire Francais-Coreén. Seoul, 1901.
    Dong-As Neues Deutsch-Koreanisches Wörterbuch (1979) Tong a chul phan sa, Seoul.
    Dong-as neues deutsch-koreanisches Wörterbuch. [Seoul], 1966. 1472, xii p.
    Dong-a's new concise English-Korean dictionary. Seoul, 1968. 1572 p.
    Gale, James Scarth. A Korean-English dictionary. Yokohama, 1897.
    Gale, James Scarth. A Korean-English dictionary. Yokohama, 1911-1914. 2 v.
    Gale, James Scarth. The unabridged Korean-English dictionary / ed. by Alexander A. Pieters. 3. ed. Seoul, 1931.
    Jones, George Heber. An English-Korean dictionary. Tokyo, [1914].
    Ko, Tsching-dschang. : Lui Ho , Sive Vocabularium Sinense in KoraЎњanum conversum : opus Sinicum Origine in peninsula KoҐraЎњ impressum in Lapide exaratum a Sinensi Ko Tsching Dschang et redditum curante Ph. Fr. de Siebold. Batavorum, 1838.
    Lee, Hee-Seung (1961) Kukeo Taesajeon (A Comprehensive Dictionary of Korean) Seoul: Minjungseokwan.
    Lee, Whi-Yong, ed. Nouveau petit dictionnaire français coreéen. Seoul, 1969. 770 p.
    Lew, Hyungki J., ed. New life Korean-English dictionary. Seoul, 1947.
    Lew, Hyungki-j, ed. New life English-Korean dictionary. Seoul, 1949.
    Martin, Samuel E. & Lee, Yang ha & Chang, Sung-un. A Korean-English dictionary. New Haven & London, 1967. xviii, 1902 p.
    Minjungseogwan's new little English-Korean dictionary. [A new rev. ed.]. Seoul, 1969. 735 p.
    Minjungseogwan's pocket Korean-English dictionary. Seoul, 1969.
    Minjungseorim's Essence Korean-English dictionary (1986) Min cung so&lim, Seoul.
    Minjungsugwan's new little English dictionary : English-Korean, Korean-English. Seoul, 1967. 612 p.
    NTC's compact Korean and English dictionary / [edited by] B.J. Jones, Gene S. Rhie. Lincolnwood, Ill. : National Textbook Co., c1995.
    Parvum Vocabularium Latino-Coreanum ad Usum Studiosae Juventutis Coreanae. Hongkong, 1891.
    Ridel, Félix Clair. Dictionnaire coréen-français. Yokohama, 1880.
    Sasse, Werner. Das Glossar Koryŏ-pangŏn im Kyerimyusa: Studien zur Entschlüsselung eines chinesischen Glossars mittelkoreanischer Wörter. Wiesbaden, 1976. vii, 155 p. (Veröffentlichungen des Ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum ; Bd. 18)
    Scott, James.English-Corean dictionary : being a vocabulary of Corean colloquial words in common use. [Söul], 1891.
    Song, Ki-joong, comp. Basic glossary of Korean studies. Seoul, 1993. xv, 338 p.
    Underwood, Horace Grant. A concise dictionary of the Korean language. Pocket ed. Yokohama, 1890. 2v.
    Wada Takahiro. Korean Language Dictionaries in North Korea // North Korean Linguistic Revolution ..., pp.195-233.
    You, Chang-Don (1964) Yichoeo Sajeon (A Dictionary of Yi Dynasty Korean) Seoul: Yonsei University Press.
    Большой Корейско-русский словарь под ред. Л.Б. Никольского и Цой Ден Хуна ., Около 150000 слов. ТТ. I-II, М., 1976.
    Ким Ги Ун, Ким Ен Чер, Каршинов Л.Н. Русско-корейский и корейско-русский внешнеторговый словарь. М., 1961.
    Корейско-русский военный словарь. Около 20000 слов. Под ред. Л.Б. Никольского, М., 1966.
    Неверов С.В. Краткий корейско-русский разговорник. М., 1955.
    Усатов Д.М., Мазур Ю.Н., Моздыков В.М. Русско-корейский словарь. Около 30000 слов. М., 1951.
    Хан Дык Пон. Русско-корейский разговорник. М., 1957.
    Холодович А.А. (Сост.) Корейско-русский словарь. Около 60000 слов, М., 1959.
    top of the page


    [Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co.]
    Ahn, Byeong-Hee and Kwang-Ho Lee (1990) Chungse Kukeo Munpopnon (A Grammar of Middle Korean) Seoul: Hakyeonsa.
    Choi, Hyen-Bae (1971) Uri Malbon. (Grammar of Our Language) [4th revised edition of the 1929 original] Seoul: Chungeumsa.
    Clark, Allen(1965). // Korean Grammar for Language Students. Seoul: The Christian Lit. Society of Korea.
    Dupont,R./J. Millot(1965). // Grammaire coréenne. Seoul: Catholic Press. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co.
    Eckardt, A.(1962). // Grammatik der Koreanischen Sprache, 3. Heidelberg: Julius Groos. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co .
    Eckardt, Andre (21965) Grammatik der koreanischen Sprache. Julius Groos, Heidelberg.
    Eckardt, Andreas. Koreanische Konversations-Grammatik mit Lesestücken und Gespräschen. Heidelberg, 1923.
    Gale, Jas. S. Korean grammatical forms. Seoul, 1894.
    Grammaire coréenne, Précédée d'une Introduction sur le caractère de la langue coréenne, sa comparaison avec le chinois, etc. Suivie d'un appendice sur la division du témps, les poids et mesures, la boussole, la généalogie, avec un cours d'exercises gradueés pour faciliter l'étude pratigne de la langue. Yokohama, 1881.
    Ihm, H.B./Hong, K.P./Chang, S.I.(1988). // Korean Grammar for International Learners. trans. K.S. Lee. Seoul:Yonsei U. Press.
    Kim Min Su. On the Early Introduction of the Transformational Grammar (in Korean) // Inmunnonjip, No.34,1989, pp.1-22.
    Lee, Hansol H. B. (1989) Korean grammar. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
    Lewin, Bruno & Tschong Dae Kim (31978) Einführung in die koreanische Sprache. Verlag Vorspann Werbung Dr. Gustav Scherer, Heilbronn.
    Lukoff, F.(1954). 'A Grammar of Korean' (dissertation, U. of Pennsylvania). Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co.
    Lukoff, Fred. Spoken Korean. [S.l., c1945]. 2 v. in 1.(Halt spoken language series)
    M.C. Rogers, Outline of Korean grammar /.: Dept. of Oriental Languages, University of California Berkeley, 1956.
    Martin, Samuel E. A Reference Grammar of Korean: A Complete Guide to the Grammar and History of the Korean Language. Rutland, VT: Charles E. Tuttle, 1993.
    Min Su. On the Early Introduction of the Transformational Grammar (in Korean) // Inmunnonjip, No.34,1989, pp.1-22.
    Nahm Ki-sim. Linguistic Theory and the Study of Korean Grammar. KJ., Vol.22:10, pp.21-25.
    Nam Ki-shim. Standart Korean Grammar (in Korean). Seoul, Tower Press, 1985.
    Ramstedt, G.(1939). // A Korean Grammar. Helsinki: Suomalsis-Ugrilainen Seura. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co.
    Ramstedt, Gustav J. (1939) A Korean Grammar. Mémoires de la Société Finno-Ougrienne 82, Helsinki
    Rogers, M.C.(1953). // Outline of Korean Grammar. Berkeley: U. of California. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co (1986).
    Ross, Rev. John. Korean speech, with grammar and vocabulary. New ed. Shanghai, 1882.
    Roth, L.(1936). // Grammatik der Koreanischen Sprache. Dukwon: St. Benedict Monastery. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul:Tap Pub.Co
    Sunoo, H.(1952). // A Korean Grammar. Praha. Reprinted in Kim, Min-Su/Dong-Ho Ha/Yung-Keun Ko(eds.)(1986). // Collection of a Century of Studies on Grammar in Korea. Seoul: Tap Pub.Co.
    Underwood, Horace Grant. An introduction to the Korean spoken langauge. Yokohama, 1890.
    Underwood, Horace Grant. An introduction to the Korean spoken language. 2nd ed. Yokohama, 1914.
    Мазур Ю.Н. Грамматика корейского языка. М., 2001
    Мазур Ю.Н. Корейский язык. М., 1960.
    Рамстедт Г.И. Грамматика корейского языка. Пер. с англ. М., 1951.
    Холодович А.А. Очерк грамматики корейского языка. М., 1954.
    Холодович А.А. Строй корейского языка. Л., 1938.
    top of the page

    Writing system

    Ahn, Pyong-hi. 'The Principles Underlying the Invention of the Korean Alphabet.' In Young-Key Kim-Renaud, ed. The Korean Alphabet: Its History and Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
    Baek, Eung-jin. 'On the Transcription of Sino-Korean in the Dong-gug Jeong-un.' Ono 3:2 (1978:12): 59-69.
    Buzo, Adrian. 'An Introduction to Early Korean Writing Systems.' Korea Journal 22:1 (January 1982): 11-13.
    Buzo, Adrian. 'An Introduction to Early Korean Writing Systems.' In The Korean Language. Seoul: The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers, Inc., 1983.
    Buzo, Adrian. 'Early Korean Writing Systems.' Transactions of the Korea Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society 55 (1980): 35-62.
    Chang Dok-sun. Hangul- A Historical Review. KJ., Vol. 1:4, pp. 6-8.
    Cheong Cheol-ju. The Diphtongs of the Medieval Korean Language and the Creation of the Hangul (in Korean)// Kyemyeong eomunhak, No.5, 1990, pp.241-258.
    Cheong U-sang. Studies on Non-Standart Characters and Korean (in Korean)//Nonmunjip, No.23, 1990, pp.23-54.
    Cho, Seung-Bog. 'On Idu.' Rocznik Orientalistyczny 46:2 (1990): 23-32. [Also included in Seung-bog Cho. Language and Society in East Asia: Selected Articles edited by Bert Edstrom. Stockholm: Center for Pacific Asia Studies, Stockholm University, 1991.]
    Chung, Wan Shik. Transliteration des Koreanischen. Saarbrücken, 1985. 112 p. (Phonetica Saraviensia ; Nr. 7)
    Gim Sheon Gi. On 'Hanguerization' of the Korean Language. KJ., Vol.9:1, pp.6-10.
    Gim, Sheon Gi. 'The Sound Value of the Letter 'o' in Hunmin Jeongeum.' Tongbang hakchi 12 (1971:3): 323-336.
    Haarmann, Harald. 'The Emergence of the Korean Script as a Symbol of Korean Identity.' In Joshua A. Fishman, ed. The Earliest Stage of Language Planning: The 'First Congress' Phenomenon. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1993. 'Hangul (Korean Alphabet).' Asian Culture Quarterly 3:1 (Spring 1975): 65-77.
    Hanguel Hanghoe (ed.) Unified Korean Spelling System. (in Korean). Seoul, Seam Munhwasa, 1989.
    Horigan, Damien P. 'Hangul and Hanja: A Brief History of the Korean Writing System.' Asian Culture Quarterly 20:1 (Spring 1992): 8-14.Choe Hyeon-bae. The Study of Hangul (in Korean). Seoul, Sinmungwan, 1914.
    Kim Choong-bae. The Romanization of Korean: Problems and Suggestions // Linguistic Journal of Korea. 1978, Vol.3:3, pp.71-85.
    Kim Hyung-kyu. Chinese Characters and Korean Language. KJ., Vol.3:7, pp.11-13.
    Kim Jing-pyong. The Letter Forms of Hangul - Its Origin and Process of Tranformation. KJ., Vol.23:6, pp.92-22.
    Kim, Chin-W. 'On the Origin and Structure of the Korean Script.' In Chin-W. Kim. Sojourns in Language: Collected Papers of Chin-W. Kim, II. Seoul: Tower Press, Ltd., 1988.
    Kim, Hyong-gyu. 'Chinese Characters and the Korean Language.' In The Korean Language. Seoul: The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers, Inc., 1983.
    Kim, Jin-pyong. 'The Letterforms of Han'gul.' In The Korean Language. Seoul: The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers, Inc., 1983.
    Kim, Jin-pyong. 'The Letterforms of Han'gul: Its Origins and Process of Transformation.' Korea Journal 23:6 (June 1983): 9-22.
    Kim, Sun Jai. 'Linguistic Creativity in National Script Formation of Korea.' Kyonghui taehakkyo nonmunjip 8 (1974): 51-69.
    Kim, Wanjin. 'Decipherment of Hyangga and Textual Criticism: A Theory of Hypermetamorphosis and its Application to the Origins of Peculiar Phonograms and Logograms.' Korean Linguistics 4 (1986): 27-31.
    Kim-Renaud, Young-Key, ed. The Korean Alphabet: Its History and Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
    King, J.R.P. 'The Korean Elements in the Manchu Script Reform of 1632.' Central Asiatic Journal 31:3-4 (1987): 252-286.
    Ko Yeong-geon. Problems of Korean Language and Writing in the Unification Age (in Korean). Seoul, Kilpeot, 1994.
    Ko Yeong-kyn. Speaking and Writing in North Korea (in Korean). Seoul, Uryu Munhwasa, 1989.
    Kong, Yong-Il. 'The Korean Writing System: A Linguistic Examination.' (Kyonghui taehakkyo ono kyoyuk yonguso) Ono yongu 4:4 (1983:12): 78-88.
    Kono, Rokuro. 'The Chinese Writing and Its Influences on the Scripts of the Neighboring Peoples: With Special Reference to Korea and Japan.' Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 27 (1969): 83-140.
    Kono, Rokuro. 'The Chinese Writing and Its Influences on the Scripts of the Neighboring Peoples: With Special Reference to Korea and Japan.' In Kono Rokuro chosakushu 3. Tokyo: Heibonsha, 1980.
    Kontsevich, L.R. 'The First Monument of Korean Writing.' In Asia in Soviet Studies. Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 1969.
    Koo John H. Some Limitations on Romanizing Korean. KJ., Vol.22:8, pp.16-23.
    Ledyard, Gari K. The Korean Language Reform of 1446. Seoul: Shingu munhwasa, 1998.
    Lee Hyun-bok. Revised Korean Spelling System. KJ., Vol.28:4, pp.34-41.
    Lee Sang-oak. The Sеcond best Compromise: The National Academy of Scienсes Proposal on Romanization of Korean. KJ., Vol.22:8, pp.5-15.
    Lee Sung-nyong. Hangul in Compartive Characters. KJ., Vol.1:4, pp. 4-6.
    Lee, Hwan-Mook. 'The Letter Formation Principles of' In Shin Sang-Soon, Lee Don-Ju, and Lee Hwan-Mook, eds. Understanding Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Company, 1990.
    Lee, Ki-moon. 'Foundations of Hunmin Chongum.' In The Korean Language. Seoul: The Si-sa-yong-o-sa Publishers, Inc., 1983.
    Lee, Ki-moon. 'Foundations of Hunmin Chongum.' Korea Journal 23:6 (June 1983): 4-8.
    Lee, Ki-moon. 'Language and Writing Systems in Traditional Korea.' In Peter H. Lee, ed. The Traditional Culture and Society of Korea: Art and Literature. Honolulu: The Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, 1975.
    Lee, Ki-moon. 'Some Problems Related to the Invention of Humminjongum.' Korea Journal 18:2 (February 1978): 30-41.
    Lee, Ki-Moon. 'The Inventor of the Korean Alphabet.' In Young-Key Kim-Renaud, ed. The Korean Alphabet: Its History and Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
    Lee, Sangbaek & Kim, Wonyong. A history of Korean alphabet and movable types. Seoul, 1970. 133 p. ; 21 cm.
    Lee, Sang-Oak. 'Graphical Ingenuity in the Korean Writing System: With New Reference to Calligraphy.' In Young-Key Kim-Renaud, ed. The Korean Alphabet: Its History and Structure. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 1997.
    Lee, Sung-nyong. 'A Study of Korean Script.' In International Association of Historians of Asia, ed. Proceedings of the First International Conference of Historians of Asia. Manila: International Association of Historians of Asia, 1960.
    Miller, Roy Andrew. 'Chinese Script in Korea and Japan.' Asian and Pacific Quarterly of Cultural and Social Affairs 19:2 (Winter 1987): 1-18.
    Ministry of Education (ed.) The Korean Spelling System (in Korean). Seoul, 1988.
    Nam Pung-hyeon. A Study on the Idu Writings of the Silla Census Register Heldby
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    Pae Yang-seo. A Simplified Romanization. KJ., Vol.22-8, pp.35-43.
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    top of the page

    Verb system

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    Adrian Thomas Wymann THE EXPRESSION OF MODALITY IN KOREAN (dissertation)
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    An, Dong-Whan(1980). 'Semantics of Korean Tense Markers' (dissertation, Georgetown U.).
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    Choe, Hyun-SooK(1988). // Restructuring Parameters and Complex Predicates: A Transformational Approach. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
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    Chung, Jay-July(1979). 'A Lexicalist Analysis of Korean Auxiliary Expressions'(dissertation, U. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill).
    Chwae, Seung Pyung(1969). 'Korean Verb Inflexion: A Tagmemic Study of the Verb // ha,' // Language Resarch, 5-1.
    Du, Juliet Wai-hong. 2000. 'Imperfective Aspect and Event Participants in English, Chinese, Korean and Japanese.' Presented at Berkeley Linguistics Society annual meeting.
    Han, Chung-hye. 1996. 'Comparing English and Korean Counterfactuals: The Role of Verbal Morphology and Lexical Aspect in Counterfactual Interpretation .' Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics 13.124-37.
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    // Applied Linguistics(Seoul N. Univ.), 8-2.
    Han, Young-Hie(1975). 'Passivization in Korean and Japanese,' // Theses Collection(Dan Kook Univ.), 9.
    Han, Young-Hie(1977). 'Korean Verb of Existence // Iss,' // Theses Collection(Dan Kook Univ.), 11.
    Huh, Ung. 1985. 'Die Geschichte des koreanischen Tempussystems.' [History of the Korean tense system.] Gunter Heintz and Peter Schmitter (eds.), Collectanea Philologica: Festschrift für Helmut Gipper zum 65. Geburtstag, I & II. Baden-Baden: Valentin Koerner, 281-303.
    Hwang, Shin Ja Joo. 1987. Discourse Features of Korean Narration: Summer Institute of Linguistics, Publications in Linguistics. (76.)Dallas, Texas: Summer Institute of Linguistics and the University of Texas at Arlington.
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    Jo, Mi-Jung(1976). 'The Retrospective Suffix and Speech Levels of Narration in Korean,' // Applied Linguistics (Seoul N. Univ.), 8-1.
    Kang, Hyung-Ryul(1972). 'A Descriptive-Comparative Study on Korean and English Verb Phrases,' // Chungang Univ. Theses Collection, 17.
    Kang, Young-Se(1984a). 'Two Types of Periphrastic Causative Constructions in Korean,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea,9-2.
    Kang, Young-Se(1984b). 'Analysis of Korean Benefactive Supporting Verb // Cu-ta as a Container of a Small Clause with a Verbal Head,' // Paideuma(Kookmin Univ.), 2.
    Kim Nam-Kil(1983). 'Some Aspects of Aspect in Korean' // Kim, Nam-Kil/H. Tiee(eds.)(1983). Studies in East Asian Linguistics. Dept. of East Asian Language & Cultures, Univ. of S. C.
    Kim, Chin-Wu (1973) Regularity of the so-called irregular verbs in Korean. In Kisseberth, C. W. (ed.) Studies in Generative Phonology. Linguistic Research Inc., Edmonton, Canada, 104-113. [Originally appeared (1971) in Korean in Hankuk Eoneo Munhak 8 and 9: 1-11.]
    Kim, Eunil. 'How a Passive Meaning Arose from the Causative Morpheme Hi?: A Suggestion for a Diachronic Study.' (Kyemyong taehakkyo ono yonguso) Ono nonch'ong 10 (1992): 127-141.
    Kim, Han-Kon(1982). '// CAUSE as the Deep Semantic Source of So-called 'Causative' and 'Passive':With Special Reference to Metaphorical Interpretation of the // -i Morpheme in Korean,' // Language Research, 18-1.
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    Kim, Nam-Kil (1986a). 'Predication in Korean,' // Koreans Linguistics, 4.
    Kim, Nam-Kil (1988). 'A Note on Predication and Scrambling in Korean,' // Korean Linguistics, 5.
    Kim, Nam-Kil(1974). 'Double Past in Korean ,' // Foundations of Language, 12, 529-536.
    Kim, Nam-Kil(1982). 'Subject Raising and the Verb Phrase Constituency in Korean,' // Mal, 7.
    Kim, Nam-Kil(1986b). 'The Use of the Progressive in Korean and English, // Mal, 11.
    Kim, Nam-Kil(1986c). 'The Progressive in Korean' // Kim, Nam-Kil/H. Tiee (ed.) (1986). Studies in Korean Language & Linguistics. East Asian Studies Center(U. of Southern California).
    Kim, S. W. 1992. Kukee sang yenku. [A study of aspect in Korean.] Hanshin Munhwasa.
    Kim, Sun-Jae(1971). 'Contrastive Study of Complex Verb Constructions between English and Korean,' // Working Papers in Linguistics(Univ. of Hawaii), 3 - 4.
    Kim, Yookyung. 1993. 'The Resultative progressive in Korean.' Proceedings of the Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society 29.251-65.
    Kiryu, Kazuyuki. 1999. 'Conceptualization and aspect in some Asian languages.' Werner Abraham and Leonid Kulikov (eds.), Tense-Aspect, Transitivity and Causativity: Essays in Honour of Vladimir Nedjalkov. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 43-62.
    Klaiman, M.H.(1984). 'The Grammar of Doing and Undergoing in Korean,' // Language Research, 20-4.
    Ko, Yong-Kun. 1980. 'On Localistic Interpretation of the Progressive Aspect in Korean.' [In Korean.] Ohak Yonku 16.41-55.
    Kono, Rokuro. 'On the 'Tense' System of Middle Korean Verbs.' Memoirs of the Research Department of the Toyo Bunko 16 (1957): 161-182.
    Kwon, Hyogmyon. 1962. 'Das koreanische Verbum verglichen mit dem altaischen und japanischen Verbum: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet zu Muenchen, diss..' [The Korean verb compared with the Altaic and Japanese verb.] PhD dissertation, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität zu München
    Lee Chung-min. Negative Imperatives in Korean. KJ., Vol.19:2, pp.48-52.
    Lee, Chung-Min (1976). 'Cases for Psychological Verbs in Korean,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea, 1-1.
    Lee, Chungmin 1987. 'Temporal Expressions in Korean.' Jef Verschueren and Marcella Bertuccelli-Papi (eds.), The Pragmatic Perspective. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 435-53.
    Lee, Chungmin 1997. 'The Acquisition of tense-aspect-modality in Korean.' Presented at Cornell Linguistic Society of America Linguistic Institute Workshop on First Language Acquisition of East Asian Languages.
    Lee, Chungmin 1999. 'Aspects of aspect in Korean psych-predicates: implications for psych-predicates in general.' Werner Abraham and Leonid Kulikov (eds.), Tense-Aspect, Transitivity and Causativity: Essays in Honour of Vladimir Nedjalkov. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 223-49.
    Lee, Chung-Min(1973b). 'Presupposition on Theme for Verbs of Change (in Korean and English),' // Foundations of Language, 9.
    Lee, Chung-Min(1973c). 'The Korean Modality in the Speech Act,' // Papers in Linguistics(U. of Michigan), 1-2.
    Lee, Chung-Min(1982). 'Aspects of Aspect in Korean,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea, 7-2.
    Lee, Chung-Min(1985). 'Temporal Expressions in Korean,' // Prooceed's of the 1985 International Pragmatics Conference, Amsterdam. ed. by Jef Verschuerenet.
    Lee, Hyo Sang (1991) Tense, aspect, and modality. UMI, Ann Arbor MI.
    Lee, Hyo Sang 1993a.'Tense or Aspect: The Speaker's Communicative Goals and Concerns as Determinant, with Reference to the Anterior -oss- in Korean .' Journal of Pragmatics 20.327-58.
    Lee, Hyo Sang 1997. 'Dynamicity as an archi-concept in the Korean grammar.' Ms.
    Lee, Hyo Sang. 1990. 'Tense, Aspect, and Modality: A discourse-pragmatic analysis of verbal affixes in Korean from a typological perspective.' UCLA doctoral dissertation
    Lee, Hyo-Sang. 1993. 'The Temporal System of Noun-Modifying (Attributive) Clauses in Korean from a Typological Perspective.' Studies in Language 17.75-110.
    Lee, Kay-Won(1984). 'Semantics of Korean Verb: A Case Grammar Approach'(dissertaion, Georgetown Univ.).
    Lee, Kee-Dong(1975). 'Lexical Causatives in Korean,' // Language Research,11-1.
    Song, Seok Choong(1978b). 'Causes of Confusion in Descriptions of Causatives in Korean' // Kim, Chin-W(ed.) (1978). Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, S. Carolina: Hornbeam Press.
    Lee, Kee-Dong(1976a). 'Auxiliary Verbs and Evaluative Viewpoints,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea, 1-2.
    Lee, Kee-Dong(1981c). 'A Tense-Aspect-Modality System in Korean,' // Aesan Hakbo, 71. Chong, Mi-Ja(1987). 'A Study of the Function of Tense and Aspect in Korean Narrative Discourse'(dissertation, Ball State U.)
    Lee, Kee-Dong(1987b). 'The Meanings of the Two Passives in Korean,' // Language Research, 23-2.
    Lee, Keedong. 1975. 'Reexamination of Garey's Telic Concept.' Ohak Yonku 11.227-42.
    Lee, Kiyong. 1976. 'The Meaning of Cikim 'Now' in Korean.' [In Korean?.] Ohak Yonku 12.161-74.
    Lee, Sangcheol(1986). 'Passive and Causative in Korean: Toward a Universal Characterization in terms of Categorial Grammar' (dissertation, U. of Texas at Austin).
    Lee, Sangkook(1988). 'Korean Tense and Aspect Marker ESS Reconsidered,' // Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Lee, Sangkook. 1992. 'A Study of Tense and Aspect in Korean.' PhD dissertation, Michigan State University.
    Lewin, Bruno. Morphologie des koreanischen Verbs. Wiesbaden, 1970. (Veröffentlichungen des ostasien-Instituts der Ruhr-Universität Bochum ; Bd. [5])
    Lie, Kang-ho. 1991. Verbale Aspektualität in Koreanischen und in Deutschen mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der aspektuellen Verbalphrasen. [Verbal aspectuality in Korean and in German, especially in regard to aspectual verb (?) phrases.] (Linguistische Arbeiten, 255.)Tübingen: Max Niemeyer.
    Lukoff, Fred(1986a). 'The Use of Tenses in Korean Written Narrative' // Kim, Nam-Kil/H. Tiee (ed.) (1986). Studies in Korean Language & Linguistics. East Asian Studies Center(U. of Southern California).
    Martin, Samuel E. 'On the Prehistory of Korean Grammar: Verb Forms.' Korean Studies 19 (1995): 139-150.
    Martin, Samuel E. 'Un-Altaic Features of the Korean Verb.' In Ho-min Sohn and John Haig, eds. Japanese/Korean Linguistics, Volume 6. Stanford, CA: Center for the Study of Languages and Information, Stanford University, 1997.
    Nakajima, Ayahumi. 1988. 'The Semantic Function of the Adnominal Ending il in Korean.' Nagoya Working Papers in Linguistics 4.171-89.
    Nam, K. S. 1978. Kuke mwunpep-ey sice mwuncey-ey kwanhan yenku. [A study of Korean tense.] Seoul: Kwanhaksa.
    Oh, Choon-Kyu. 1978. 'Tense and Aspect in Korean.' Proceedings of the Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society 14.340-49.
    Pak, Dong-Ho. 1996. 'À propos des propriétes syntaxiques et sémantiques des verbes aspectuels du coréen.' [On the syntactic and semantic properties of Korean aspectual verbs.] Revue québecoise de linguistique 24.125-49.
    Park, Byung-Soo (1974). 'The Korean Verb // ha and Verb Complementation,' // Language Research, 10-1.
    Park, Byung-Soo(1973). // A Study of Korean Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase Complementation with Special Attention to the Verb 'ha'(dissertation, U. of Pittsburgh). Seoul:Paekahp Publishing Co.
    Park, Byung-Soo(1988b). 'How to Handle Korean Verbal Suffixes: A Unification Grammar Approach' // Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Park, Myung-Kwan. 1994. 'An Event-Structure Analysis of the Stative/Non-Stative Distinction in Periphrastic Causative and Mit-Type Verb Constructions in Korean.' //Renaud Kim and Key Young (eds.), THEORETICAL ISSUES IN KOREAN LINGUISTICS. Stanford, California: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 343-65.
    Park, Myung-Kwan. 1996. 'Tense and the Time Argument of a Predicate.' [In Korean?.] Ohak Yonku 32.267-304.
    Park, Ok-Sook. 1996. 'Imparfait et te.' [Imperfect and -te.] Modèles Linguistiques 17.37-49.
    Patterson, B. Soon Ja(1974). 'A Study of Korean Caustives,' // Working Papers in Linguistics(U. of Hawaii), 6-4.
    Phil, N.K.(1965). 'A Study on Non-Conclusives in Modern Korean,' // Korean Language Research(Seoul N. Univ.), 16.
    Shibatani, M. (1975). 'On the Nature of Synonymy in Causative Expressions,' // Language Research, 11-2.
    Shibatani, M.(1973). 'Lexical verses Peripherastic Causatives in Korean,' // Journal of Linguistics, 9.
    Shibatani, M.(1978). 'On the Existential and Possessive Constructions in Japanese and Korean,' // Papers Commemoration the Sixtieth Birthday of Dr. Kim, Young-Hee.
    Shin, Sung-Ock (1988) Tense and aspect in Korean. UMI, Ann Arbor MI.
    Shin, Sung-Ock(1987). 'Tense Anaphora in Complex Constructions' // Kuno, S. et al.(eds.) (1987). Havard Studies in Korean Linguistics II: Proceedings of the 1987 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics(Harvard WOKL-1987). Seoul: Hanshin Pub. Co.
    Shin, Sung-Ock(1988). 'Tense Indexing and Binding' // Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Shirai, Yasuhiro. 1998. 'Where the progressive and the resultative meet: Imperfective aspect in Japanese, Chinese, Korean and English.' Studies in Language 22.661-92.
    Sohn, Han (1977). 'On the Regularization of the Irregular Verbs in Korean,' // Language Research, 13-1
    Sohn, Ho-Min (1973b). 'A Re-examination of 'Auxiliary' Verb Constructions in Korean,' // Working Papers in Linguistics (U. of Hawaii), 6-4.
    Sohn, Ho-Min(1973a). 'Coherence in Korean 'Auxiliary' Verb Constructions,' // Language Research, 9-2.
    Sohn, Ho-Min(1975). 'Tense in Korean,' // Sohn, Ho-min(ed.) (1975). The Korean Language, Its Structure and Social Projection. Center for Korean Studies(U. of Hawaii).
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    Sohn, Ho-Min(1975c). 'Modals and Speaker-Hearer Perspective in Korean,' // Working Papers in Linguistics(U. of Hawaii), 7.
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    Song, Mean-young. 1999. 'The Semantics of Tense and Propositional Attitudes.' PhD dissertation, Georgetown University.
    Song, Seok Choong(1975b). 'A Suspicious Analysis of the Suspective Morpheme and its Homonyms,' // Language Research, 11-1.
    Suh, Cheong-Soo. 1982. 'Tense and Aspect in Adverbial Clauses.' [In Korean.] Ohak Yonku 18.101-14.
    Suk, Kyoung-Jing (1976). 'The Syntax of Sentence Ender,' // Language Research, 12-1.
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    Yang, Dong-Whee(1977a). 'Instrumental Causation,' // Language Research, 13-1.
    Lee, Kiyong(1982). 'On the Case Shifting,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea, 7-2.
    Yang, Dong-Whee(1977b). 'Pragmantax of Modality in Korean,' // Linguistics Journal of Korea, 2-1.
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    Yoo, Eun-Jung. 1993. 'Temporal Interpretation of Korean without Tense Rules.' Proceedings of the Eastern States Conference on Linguistics 10.381-92.
    Yoo, Eun-Jung. 1996. 'Interpretation of Korean Temporal Markers -ess and -nun.' Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics 49.137-57.
    Yoon, Jae-Hak. 1996. 'Interpretation of Relative Tenses in Korean Time Adverbials.' Ohio State Working Papers in Linguistics 49.159-77.
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    Дмитриева В.Н. Залоги в современном литературном корейском языке. АД КФН М., 1964.
    Дмитриева В.Н. Об образовании и употреблении залогов в корейском языке // Корейский язык. М., 1961, с. 94-113.
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    Noun system

    Abasolo, R.(1982). 'In Search of Korean Functional Nouns' // LSK [Linguistic Society of Korea] (ed.)(1982). Linguistics in the Morning Calm: Selected Papers from SICOl-1981. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Chung, Kook(1978). 'On the Peculiarities of the Korean Plural Marker,' // Language Studies(Jeonbug Univ.), 5.
    Gerdts, Donna(1985). 'Surface Case vs. Grammatical Relations in Korean: The Evidence from Quantifier Floating' // Kuno, S. et al.(eds.) Harvard Studies in Korean Linguistics: Proceedings of the 1985 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics(Harvard WOKL-1985). Seoul: Hanshin Pub. Co.
    Kuh, Hak-An(1987). 'Plural Copying in Korean' // Kuno, S. et al.(eds.) (1987). Havard Studies in Korean Linguistics II: Proceedings of the 1987 Harvard Workshop on Korean Linguistics(Harvard WOKL-1987). Seoul: Hanshin Pub. Co.
    Kuh, Hakan(1988). 'The Morphological Status of Korean Case Markers' // Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Lee, Dong-Jae(1975). 'Some Problems in Learning Korean Second-Person Pronouns' // Sohn, Ho-min(ed.) (1975). // The Korean Language, Its Structure and Social Projection. Center for Korean Studies(U. of Hawaii).
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    Ahn, Sang-Cheol (1985) The Interplay of Phonology and Morphology in Korean. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
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    Song, Zino(1980). 'The Use of Speech Levels in Japan and Korea,' // Korean Linguistics, 2.
    Suh, Cheong-Soo(1978b). 'Remarks on Subject Honorification' // Kim, Chin-W(ed.) (1978). Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, S. Carolina: Hornbeam Press.
    Yang Man-jeong. An Examination on the Language Customs of the Traditional Society: Focusing on the Honorific and Vulgar and Slang Expressions (in Korean) // Cheolla munhwa yongu, No.7, 1993, pp.47-72.
    Yi Kyeong-u. A Study on the Honorifics of the Korean Language in the Englighment Period (1) (in Korean) // Inmun Nonchong, No.8, 1989, pp.157-184.
    Yi Kyeong-u. Sociolinguistic Study on the Korean Honorific System Used During the Turn of the Century (in Korean) // Aesanhakpo, No.10, 1990, pp.65-84.
    Скорбатюк И.Д. Некоторые аспекты выражения форм вежливости в корейском языке // Национально-культурная специфика речевого поведения. М., 1977, с.306-319.
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    Lexicology & Lexicography

    m   Koreanische Sprache und Lexikographie - Das Deutsch-Koreanisch /Koreanisch-Deutsche Wörterbuchprojekt an der Universität Bonn . Vorgetragen von Albrecht Huwe, Hae-Wook Lee und Sang Hwan Seong Zusammengestellt von A. Huwe
    Cha Chae-un. A History of Lexicography in North Korea 1945-1990. Vol.2. Applied Area. Seoul, Nokjin, 1991m pp.188-215.
    Choe Ho-cheol. A History of Lexicology in North Korea // The History of Korean Language Research in North Korea 1945-1990, Vol.1. Theoretical Area, pp.68-98.
    Choe Myeong-ok. A History of Lexikology in North Korea // The History of Korean Language Research in North Korea 1945-1990, Vol.l. Theoretical Area,pp.68-98.
    Heo Pyeok. Comparative Study on the Vocabularies of Chinese and Korean Languages (in Korean) // Tongbanghakji, No.68, 1990, pp.309-322.
    Kim Cheon-suk. A Comparison of Vocabulary in North and South Korea // North Koreas Linguistic Revolution, For the Resolution of Intra-Racial Differenses Seoul, Paekeoi, 1989, pp.225-239.
    Kim Yeong-don. A Study on the Special Vocabulary Women Divers (in Korean) // Seonggok Noncheong, No.21, 1990, pp.761-798.
    Kwak Chung-gu. Names of the Direct Relatives in the Hamkyong Dialect its Geographical Distribution (in Korean) // Chintanhakpo, No.76, 1993, pp.209-240.
    Lee Sang-oak. North Korean Lexicology and Lexicography // Seoul Journal of Korean Studies. 1993, Vol.6, pp.165-187.
    Lee Teok-cheon. A History of Korean Vocabulary. Yeonbyeon University Press, 1987.
    Lee, Pyonggeun. 'A Brief History of Korean Lexicography.' Seoul Journal of Korean Studies 7 (December 1994): 129-145.
    Nam Seong-u. Vocabulary Changes of Korean Language (in Korean) // Kugeosaenghwal, No.22, 1991, pp.13-30.
    Park K.m-ja. A Review of Korean Language Dictionaries in North Korea // The Spoken and Written Language of North Korea. Seoul, Eul-yoo Publishing Co.,1989, pp.173-196.
    Shim Jae-kee. A Korean Lexicology (in Korean). Seoul, Chimmun-dang, 1982.Society of Korean Language and Literature. Studies in Korean Language and Literature in North Korea (in Korean). Seoul: Chusik saneopsa, 1990.
    Song, Ki Joong(1986). 'Remarks on Modern Sino-Korean,' // Language Research, 22-4.
    Song, Seok Choong(1988). 'Syntax and Semantics of Korean Words' // Baek, Eung-Jin(ed.)(1988). Papers from the Sixth International Conference on Korean Linguistics. Univ. of Toronto, July 21-23, 1988. Seoul: Hanshin Publishing Co.
    Yang, Dong-Whee(1977c). 'On Degree of Idiomaticity,' // Linguistic Journal of Korea, 2-2.
    Yi Yong-ju. Basic Features of Modern Korean Words. KJ., Vol.12:12
    Yu Chang-don. A Study in the History of Korean Words (in Korean). Seoul, Seongmyeongmunhwasa, 1971.
    Кан Ден Сик. Об особенностях лексического состава современного корейского языка.// Сучасний стан та перспектив науково-культурного обмiну мiж Украiною та Кореэю. Киев. 2002, с. 34-42
    Мазур Ю.Н. Лексика китайского происхождения в современном корейском языке // Вопросы китайской филологии. Сб. ст. М., 1963, с.250-261.
    Хватков Н.М. К вопросу развития научно-технической терминологии в современном корейском языке // Восточные языки. Сб. ст., М., 1971, с.191-202.
    top of the page

    Anthroponymy, Ethnonymy & Toponymy

    Kim Min-chang. On the Given Names in Korea (in Korean) // Saekugeosaenghwal, No.1-1, 1991, pp.76-103.
    Nam Pung-hyeon. Changes in the Korean Names (in Korean) // Seakugeosaenghwal. No.1-1, 1991, pp.57-75.
    Pak Hon-sun. The Family Names (in Korean) // Saekugeosaenghwal, No.1-1, 1991, pp.57-75.
    Place name index for Korea (Chosen)/Washington, Army Map Service, 1943.
    Syulbe, Bagdaryyn. 'Koreans in Yakutia According to Data of Toponymy.' Hanguk minsok hakpo 6 (1996): XXX.
    Toh, Soo-hee. 'A Study of Place Names of Paekche.' Chosen gakuho 113 (1984:10): 1-55. [Also in To Su-hui. Paekche-o yongu (I): Chongi-o rul chungshim u ro. Seoul: Paekche munhwa kaebal yonguwon, 1987.]
    Yi Su-geon. Origin of the Family Names in Korea and Its Characteristics (in Korean) // Saekugeosaenghwal, No.1-1, 1991, pp.23-38.
    Джарылгасинова Р. Ш. Антропонимические процессы у корейцев Средней Азии и Казахстана // Личные имена в прошлом, настоящем, будущем. М., 1970, с.139-149.
    Джарылгасинова Р.Ш. Корейцы // Системы личных имен у народов мира. М., 1989, с.181-184.
    Джарылгасинова Р.Ш. Роль топонимики в изучении ранней этнической истории Кореи // Топонимика Востока. М., 1962, с.82-88.
    Джарылгасинова Р.Ш. Этноним Когуре // Этнонимы. М., 1970, с.78-86.
    Ким Г.Н. Антропонимия корейцев // Имена народов Казахстана, Алма-Ата, 1990, с.77-90.
    Ким О.М. К морфологии корейских фамилий в русском языке. // Антропонимика. М., 1970, с.147-149.
    Концевич Л.Р. Исторические названия Кореи // Этнонимы. М., 1970, с.61-77.
    Концевич Л.Р. Материалы для диахронического изучения корейской топонимики // Топонимика Востока. Новые исследования. М., 1964, с.250-261.
    Концевич Л.Р. Правила передачи корейских имен, названий и терминов // Правила издания серии 'Памятники письменности Востока'. М., 1966, с.55-66.
    top of the page


    Academy of Korean Studies. Collection of source Materials on the Korean Dialects (in Korean).Vol. 1-6, Seongnam, 1991.
    Anderson, Lloyd B. 'Sound-Changes and Pitch-Accent Systems in Korean Dialects: Two Results of Original Differences in *Stress-Accents.' In Chin-W. Kim, ed. Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, Incorporated, 1978.
    Cheon Su-Tae and Choe Ho-Cheol. Linguistic Comparison of North and Sounth Korea. (in Korean), Seoul, Nokjin, 1989.
    Cho, T., S-A. Jun, S. Jung & P. Ladefoged. (2000) The vowels of Cheju. UCLA Working Papers in Phonetics,98, 81-94.
    Choi, Tae-Young (1978) Cheonnam Pangeon-euy umlaut hyeonsang (Umlaut phenomena in Cholla Namdo dialects). Eohak (Linguistic Studies) 5: 25-41. Cheonbuk University, Cheonju.
    Chun, Kwang-Hyun (1979) Kyeongnam Hamyang Chiyeokeo-euy Eumunron-jeok kochal (A phonological study of the dialects in the province of Hamyang, Kyeonsang Namdo). Tongyanghak (Oriental Studies) 9: 37-58. Tankook University, Seoul.
    Chung, Yeon-Chan (1968) Kyeongnam Pangeon-euy moeum chegye. (The vowel system in Kyungsang Namdo dialect) Kukmunhak Nonjip (Papers in Korean literature) 2: 59-79. Tankook University, Seoul
    Han, Young-Kyun (1980) Wanjoo Chiyeogeo-euy umlaut hyeonsang [Umlaut phonomena of the Cholla dialect spoken in the Wanjoo area]. Kwanak Eomun Yeongu [Kwanak Studies in Language and Literature] 5: 211-232. Seoul National University.
    Hong Yeon-suk. Research on Divergence in Language Concepts between North and South Korea. (in Korean). Seoul, Research Institute of National Unification, 1976.
    Hu Woong. Tone in Kyonsang Dialect. KJ., Vol.25:6, pp.19-32.
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    Kim Kwang-hae An Introduction to Korean Voсabulary (in Korean). Seoul, Chipmundang, 1988.
    Kim Min-su. (ed.) History of North Korean Research on the Korean Language (1945-1990). Four Volumes. (in Korean). Seoul, Nokjin, 1991.
    Kim Min-su. North Korean Research on Korean Linguistics. (in Korean). Seoul, Korea University Press, 1985.
    King, J.R.P. 'Dialect Elements in Soviet Korean Publications from the 1920s.' In Howard Aronson, ed. Studies on the Non-Slavic Languages of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic Republics. Chicago: The Chicago Linguistic Society/The University of Chicago Press, 1994.
    King, J.R.P. 'The Korean Dialect Materials in Matveev's 1900 Reference Book to the City of Vladivostok.' Ohak yongu 24:2 (1988:6): 281-329.
    Ko Yeong-Kyn. The Differentiation of North and South Korean Language and Methods of Resolving the Differences(in Korean) // Chushigyeong Hakpo, No.2, 1988, pp.47-84.
    Lee Pyong-geun, Kim Wan-jin et al. A Basic Study on the Korean Dialects (in Korean) // Haksulwonnonmunjip, No.30, 1991, pp.45-144.
    Na Kyeong-su, Yi Ton-ju Seo Sang-chun. A Study on the Folk Vocabularies in the South Cholla Region (in Korean) // Hangukminsokhak, No.24, 1991, pp.51-79.
    Nam Seong-u and Cheong Sae-yeong. Language Usage in North Korea. (in Korean). Seoul, Koryeoweon, 1990.
    Ramsey, Samuel Robert. Accent and morphology in Korean dialects : a descriptive and historical study / Samuel Robert Ramsey. [Seoul?] : Society of Korean Linguistics, 1978.
    Ti Myeong-gyu. The Dialect Vocabulary of the Ansan Area (in Korean) // Hangukhak Nonjip, No.16, 1989, pp.423-518.
    To Su-hi. Studies on the Languages of Pyonhan and Chinhan (in Korean) // Tongyanhak, No.20, 1990, pp.31-70.
    Toh, Soo-Hee (1986) Chungnam pangeon-uy moeumpyunhwa-e taehayeo (On the vowel changes of the Chungnam dialect) In A Festschrift for Dr. S-N. Lee's 70th Birthday. Seoul: Eulyu munhwasa, 95-124.
    Yi Pyeong-geon and Cheong Seong-cheol. The Differentiation of Dialects in Kyeong-gi, Chungcheong Area (in Korean) // Kugeo Kungmunhak, No.102, 1989, pp.45-78.
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    Мазур Ю.Н. Заметки по корейской диалектологии // Корейский язык. М., 1961, с.02-236.
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    Пак Н.С. On Korean Dialects in the USSR. //The Third International Conference on Bilinqualism. Korean Linguistics and Korean Language Education in the USSR. // Bilingual Education for the Overseas Koreans. 1991 , Vol. 8. Seoul , Korea.
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    top of the page  

    Etymology, Historical and comparative linguistics

    см. также m   Библиография по корейскому языку (Гавайский университет)[История корейского языка и письменности]

    Ahn Pyeong-nui. A Study of the History of the Korean Language (in Korean). Seoul, Munhak-kwachiseongsa,1992.
    Ahn, Byeong-Hee and Kwang-Ho Lee (1990) Chungse Kukeo Munpopnon (A Grammar of Middle Korean) Seoul: Hakyeonsa.
    An, Binghao. 'Some Problems in the Reconstruction of Old Korean.' Korean Studies 15 (1991): 99-112.
    Anderson, Lloyd B. 'Sound-Changes and Pitch-Accent Systems in Korean Dialects: Two Results of Original Differences in *Stress-Accents.' In Chin-W. Kim, ed. Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, Incorporated, 1978.
    Baek, Eung-Jin. 'Syllables and Tones in Middle Korean.' Chicago Linguistic Society (Papers from the Regional Meeting) Part 1 (1985): 1-14.
    Blazek, Vaclav. 'Some Notes about New Korean Etymologies of G.J. Ramstedt.' Archiv Orientalni 55:2 (1987): 156-161.
    Caulins, Andis. 'Concerning the Origin of Certain Features of Korean Language and Culture.' Koreanische Studien 4:3 (XXX 1979): 1-36.
    Cha Yun-cheong. Ommision of the Suffix -ni and -ri-in in the 15th Century (in Korean) // Omunkyuyuknonjip, No. 11, 1991, pp. 271-280.
    Chang, Dok-sun. 'Linguistic Ties between Korea and Japan.' Korea Journal 13:3 (March 1973): 37-42.
    Chang, Suk-Jin. 'A Synopsis of Korean-Altaic Study: From a Genetic Point of View.' In Hansan Kwon Chung-hui sonsaeng hwagap kinyom nonch'ong p'yonch'an wiwonhoe, ed. Hansan Kwon Chung-hui sonsaeng hwagap kinyom nonch'ong. Seoul: Ilchogak, 1966.
    Cheong Cheol-ju. The Diphtongs of the Medieval Korean Language and the Creation of the Hangul (in Korean)// Kyemyeong eomunhak, No.5, 1990, pp.241-258.
    Cheong Chi-hun. Examinations on the Origin of the Korean Language ang the Japanese Language (in Korean)// Ilbon Yongu, No.6, 1991, pp.31-48.
    Cheong Kil-Nam. A Study on the Korean Language Used in the Bible Translation in the 19th Century. Seoul, Seokwanghaksuljaryosa, 1992, 1992.
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    Cho Hang-beom. A Diachronic Study on the Kin Designations in the Korean Language(4): Grandfather and Grandmother (in Korean) // Kaesin Omun Yongu, No.5-6, 1989, pp.213-242.
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    Choe Yeong-ae. Etymological Problems in Korean Language in Terms of Ancient Chinese Phonetics (in Korean)// Tonbanghakji, No. 67, 1990, pp. 9-340.
    Choe, Hyon-Sook. 'Some Tonal Phenomena of Verbal Elements in Middle Korean and Floating Tones.' In Naoki Fukui, Tova R. Rupaport, and Elizabeth Sagey, eds. MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 8: Papers in Theoretical Linguistics. Cambridge, MA: MIT University Press, 1986.
    Choi Ki-ho. Lineage of the Korean Language and its Development (in Korean)// Hanminjok, No.1, 1989, pp,34-51.
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    Eckardt, Andre. Koreanisch und Indogermanisch : Untersuchungen über die Zugehörigkeit des Koreanischen zur indogermanischen Sprach-familie. Heidelberg, 1966. 240 p. ; 22 cm.
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    Hu Woong. A Study of eoihyangbeop (ending rule) of Korean Language in the 16th Century - tracing the Changes from 15th Century (in Korean) // Hangul No.201-202, 1988, pp.7-56.
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    Ikegami, Jiro. 'Significance of Korean Materials in the Study of Manchu.' Alt'ai hakpo 2 (1990:2): 71-77.
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    Kang Heon-kyu. On the Direction of the Elymological Study of Korean Language (in Korean) // Kugeo Kungmunhak, No.100, 1988, pp.75-82.
    Kang Shin-hang. On the Last Consonant of Syllable in the Ancient Korean Language (in Korean) // Taedongmunhwa Yongu, No.25, 1990, pp.65-82.
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    Kim, Wanjin. 'A Tense-Lax Hypothesis for Middle Korean.' In Chin-W. Kim, ed. Papers in Korean Linguistics. Columbia, SC: Hornbeam Press, Incorporated, 1978.
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    Kiyose, Gisaburo N. 'Tunguz and Other Elements in the Languages of the Three Kingdoms.' Korean Linguistics 4 (1986): 17-26.
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    Lee Sang-oak. Perturbation and Decay of Tonal system in the Late Middle Korea. KJ., Vol.25:6, pp.14-18.
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    Underwood, H. H. Every-day Korean : with vocabulary. London, 1921.
    Vandesande, A./ Park, F.(1968). // Myongdo's Korean '68: Part I-II. Seoul: Myongdo Institute.
    Wagner, E.W./Chonsoon Kim(1971). // Elementary Written Korean. Sin Fac Minor, Cambridge, MA.
    Wells, Kenneth M.(1989). 'The Opportunities and Challenges Facing Teachers of Korean as a foreign Language,' // Korean Language Education, 1.
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    Contrastive linguistics

    Kim, Chin-W.(1986). 'Some Similarities Between English and Korean: Pedagogical and Theoretical Implications,' in Kim Nam-Kil(ed.) (1986).
    Kim, Ki-Hong(1978a). // The Language of Emotion of Americans and Koreans(dissertation, U. of Hawaii).
    Kim, Suk-deuk. 'A Contrastive Study of 15th Century Korean and Classical Mongolian Vowel Harmony.' In Graciela de la Lama, ed. Japan and Korea 1: 30th Congress of Human Sciences in Asia and North Africa. Mexico City: El Colegio de Mexico, 1982.
    Lee, Ke-Soon(1969b). 'The Grammatical Structures of Korean and English: A Constrastive Analysis,' // Language Education (Seoul N. Univ.), 1(supplement).
    Park, Jin-Gil(1981). // Probleme der kontrastiven deutchen und koreanischen Grammatik. Frankfurt: Peter Lang Verlag.
    Sohn, John Young(1973). 'A Study of Grammatical Cases of Korean, Japanese, and Other Major Altaic Languages' (dissertation, Indiana Univ.).
    Yi, Dong Lyong(1982). 'Syntactic and Semantic Similarities in Turkic and Korean'(dissertation, U. of Washington).
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    Automatic translation and Computer language processing

    Oh-Woog Kwon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Text Categorization for Web Site Classification' , Information Processing & Management (to be published, 2002)
    Sung-Kwon Choi, Tae-Wan Kim, Soo-Hyun Lee, Dong-In Park. Korean Analysis and Transfer in Multilingual Machine Translation System.
    Sin-Jae Kang, You-Jin Chung, and Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Language Independent and Practical Ontology in Korean-Japanese Machine Translation Systems', Literary and Linguistic Computing, Oxford Press (to be published, 2002)
    Hui-Feng Li, Sin-Jae Kang, and Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Natural Language Generation in an MT System Based-on a Multi-level Processing Strategy', Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol.14, No.1, March, 2001, pp.29-46
    Hui-Feng Li, Sin-Jae Kang, and Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Natural Language Generation in an MT System Based-on a Multi-level Processing Strategy', Computer Processing of Oriental Languages, Vol.14, No.1, pp.29-46 (March 2001)
    Insu Kang, Oh-Woog Kwon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Cross-Language Text Retrieval by Query Translation Using Term Re-weighting', Int'l J. of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 14, No. 5, 617-629 (2000)
    Hui-Feng Li, Namwon Heo, Kyonghi Moon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Lexical Transfer Ambiguity Resolution Using Automatically-Extracted Concept Co-occurrence Information', Computer Processing of Oriental Languages (An Int'l J. of CLCS/OLCS)(to be published in 2000)
    Namwon Heo, Hui-Feng Li, Kyonghi Moon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Resolving the Noun Sense Ambiguity of Korean Based on Concept Co-occurrence Information', Communications of COLIPS (An Int'l J. of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society), Vol. 9 (1999)
    Hui-Feng Li, Namwon Heo, Kyonghi Moon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'The Use of Abstracted Knowledge from an Automatically Sense-tagged Corpus for Lexical Transfer Ambiguity Resolution', MT Summit VII, Singapore: 390-396 (Sept. 13-17, 1999)
    Namwon Heo, Yujin Chung, Kyonghi Moon, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'A Multi-level Linguistic Approach to Disambiguation of Japanese Connective Endings', Communications of COLIPS (An Int'l J. of Chinese and Oriental Languages Information Processing Society), Vol. 9 (1999)
    Hui-Feng Li, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Identifying Syntactic Role of Antecedent in Korean Relative Clauses Using Corpus and Thesaurus Information,' COLING-ACL'98, Montreal, Canada: 756 - 762 (Aug. 10-14, 1998)
    Byeongchang Kim, WonIl Lee, Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Unlimited Vocabulary Grapheme to Phoneme Conversion for Korean TTS, ' COLING-ACL'98, Montreal, Canada: 675 - 679 (Aug. 10-14, 1998)
    Oh-Woog Kwon, Insu Kang, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Conceptual Cross-Language Text Retrieval Based on Document Translation Using Japanese-to-Korean MT System,' Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 12(1): 1-16 (Sept. 1998)
    Sin-Jae Kang, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Two-Phase Automatic Extraction of Semantic Knowledge from a Large Corpus,' Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 11(4): 327-337 (June 1998)
    Hui-Feng Li, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Conceptual Graph Generation from Syntactic Dependency Structures in an MT Environment,' Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 11(3): 263 - 276 (Mar. 1998)
    Jung-In Kim, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, 'Generation of Korean Predicates Based on Modality-Feature Ordering and Lexicalizing Table in Japanese-Korean Machine Translation,' J. of Natural Language Processing 5(2): 3 - 24 (April 1998) (written in Japanese)
    Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Jinhee Yoo, 'Multi-level Post-processing for Korean Character Recognition Using Morphological Analysis and Linguistic Analysis,' Pattern Recognition 30(8): 1347 - 1360 (1997)
    Chul-Jae Park, Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee, K.Kakei, 'Collocation-Based Transfer Method in Japanese-Korean Machine Translation,' Trans. of Information Processing Society of Japan 38(4): 707 - 718 (April 1997) (written in Japanese)
    Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Integrated Speech and Morphological Processing in a Connectionist Continuous Speech Understanding for Korean,' Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 10(1): 17- 32 (June 1996)
    WonIl Lee, Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Chart-Driven Connectionist Categorial Parsing of Spoken Korean, ' Computer Processing of Oriental Languages 10(2): 147- 169 (Oct. 1996)
    Geunbae Lee, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'SKOPE: A Connectionist/Symbolic Architecture of Spoken Korean Processing, ' in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1040 'Connectionist, Statistical, and Symbolic Approaches to Learning for Natural Language Processing' (S.Wermter, E. Riloff, and G. Scheler Eds.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 102 - 116 (1996)
    Jong-Hyeok Lee & Geunbae Lee, 'A Dependency Parser of Korean Based on Connectionist / Symbolic Techniques, ' in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 990 'Progress in Artificial Intelligence' (C. Pinto-Ferreira and N. J. Mameda Eds.), Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 95-106(1995)
    Chul-Jae Park, Kyeong-Hee Moon, Jong-Geun Kwak, Jong-Hyeok Lee, and Geunbae Lee, 'Collocation-Based MT System from Japanese to Korean and its Evaluation,' IPSJ (Information Processing Society of Japan) SIG Report, NL109-2: 9-18 (Sept. 14, 1995) (written in Japanese)
    Jong-Hyeok Lee, Geunbae Lee 'Structural Disambiguation Using Constraint-Satisfaction Algorithm for Dependency Parsing,' ICCPOL'95 (Int'l Conf. on Computer Processing of Oriental Languages), Honolulu, Hawaii: 213-216 (Nov. 25, 1995)
    Dong Un An, Gil Chang Kim, Jong-Hyeok Lee, 'Corpus-Based Modality Generation for Korean Predicates, ' Literary and Linguistic Computing 10 (1): 1-10 (1995)
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